EU price comparison tool for products directly Sold by Amazon
Why use Price Zone instead of searching directly on Amazon websites
We show you products that can be delivered to you without import duties
Compare price differences between EU countries with one search
We show you products sold by Amazon, excluding third-party sellers
Find products not yet released or currently out of stock in your country
Find regional versions of products cheaper in other EU countries
0% VAT business purchases for all categories and other shopping tips

Install Now For More Countries And Features

It’s FREE forever!
Automatic Regional Product Comparison
Automatic “Sold by Amazon” Filter
Shipping & 0% VAT Calculator

3 + 1 Steps

Just search for a product in the EU countries of your choice and “voilà”! It’s that simple!

Select the countries

Choose the countries where you want to compare the prices of a product.

Search for a product

Enter the name of the product in the search box.

Compare the prices

Compare the prices across the different countries in the tabs that open.

Compare regional versions

Optionally, enter the web address of an Amazon product page into our search box to see if its regional version is even cheaper in other EU countries or check our popup window while you are in an Amazon product page with our extension installed.

Cross-border shopping just got easier!

In the Eurozone although the currency is the same, most products have different prices and release dates in each country and some of them are not available for sale in all EU member states.

Price Zone is a free pan-european shopping tool specialised in equalising products, release dates and prices across the EU. The purpose of Price Zone is to break up the price differences, language barriers, delivery restrictions and variations in product release dates and availability that customers face in the Single EU Market.

Price Zone makes cross border shopping simple by searching for products that can be delivered without import duties to all EU countries from Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Spain and Amazon Italy. Users can spot price differences in the EU and shop cheaper from the country of their choice.

Price Zone ®, Same prices everywhere!

¹ Delivery restrictions may apply to products that are heavy, bulky, hazardous, alcoholic beverages, perfumes, flowers, bulbs or seeds, high value watches or jewelry, etc
² UK products are displayed only when their value is below €150 / £130, ensuring you won’t be charged EU import duties after Brexit.

Read the terms and conditions of each website you will be redirected from our shopping tool.

Compare prices of products sold by and dispatched from Amazon DE, FR, ES, IT to all EU countries with one search.

Get access to products that are only available in other countries or not yet been released in your region.

We show you products that can be delivered to you without import duties in all EU member states.¹

See if a regional version of a product is cheaper in other EU countries and the UK² and buy it at the lowest price.

Products sold directly by Amazon come with continuous English-language support directly from Amazon, extending beyond the standard 30-day Amazon assistance period typically available for purchases from third-party sellers.

Get useful information and tips on how to buy, track and return products from Amazon and how to create and manage your single international Amazon account in your language as an individual buyer or as a business for VAT zero rated purchases.

Install Now For More Countries And Features

EU Price Comparison
Compare prices of products sold by and dispatched from Amazon DE, FR, ES, IT to all EU countries with one search.
Automatic “Sold by Amazon” Filter
Automatically view only products sold directly by Amazon when visiting Amazon DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, PL, SE, BE European websites and US, CA, AU, BR, MX, JP, TR, AE non-European websites.
Translate & Support Resources
Linked information on how to browse Amazon websites in your language and other shopping tips and support resources.
Automatic Regional Product Comparison
See if a regional version of a product is cheaper in other EU countries and the UK with our instant popup window while you are in an Amazon product page.
Shipping & 0% VAT Calculator
Compare shipping costs and view prices without your business’s local VAT using our popup window while browsing an Amazon product page.
On / Off Button
Enable or disable the popup windows and the automatic Sold by Amazon product filter for all countries from the switch of the extension.

Join the #1 extension for comparing prices of products sold directly by Amazon across the EU

“I’m so glad I found this shopping tool. I saved so much money my wallet is thanking me! Plus, all these new cosmetics with labels in different languages making everyone think I travel non-stop. Not quite, but hey, a girl can dream, right?”
Extension User


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Compatible with browsers:
Chrome, Edge and Opera for Desktops
Kiwi for Android
Orion for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
It’s FREE forever!

Questions & Answers

Frequently asked questions and answers about Price Zone
Didn’t find the answer you are looking for? Visit our blog

How to browse EU Amazon websites in your language

By default, most browsers offer to translate pages written in a language you don’t …
How to browse EU Amazon websites in your language

How to search if a regional version of a product is cheaper in another EU country

Did you know that the same product can have different versions depending on the country? …
How to search if a regional version of a product is cheaper in another EU country

Make 0% VAT business purchases on all product categories

If you have a business registered in the EU with a valid VIES VAT number, you can buy …
Make 0% VAT business purchases on all product categories
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Price Zone Official Site | EU price comparison tool for products directly sold by Amazon.