How to get free delivery on Amazon across the EU?

Who doesn’t love free delivery? If you’re a savvy shopper looking to save money on your Amazon orders, we’ve got great news for you! Amazon offers free delivery to many European destinations on selected items with a minimum order value, and we’re here to guide you through it.

Countries Eligible for Free Delivery

Minimum order value for your country!

Enjoy free delivery from Amazon on selected items. Choose your country below to see the minimum order value required for free shipping:

To ensure free delivery, look for the “Free Delivery” message displayed on selected items in search results and product pages. Not every item qualifies for free delivery in most countries.

EU Price and Shipping Costs Comparison

Compare prices and shipping costs!

Don’t let free delivery fool you, compare total costs like a pro! Regardless of free delivery options, always compare the total cost of an item, including shipping charges across different Amazon EU sites. Due to price variations, you may find better prices on products “Sold by Amazon” in another EU country, even with shipping costs included.

That’s where our handy extension comes in. It automatically calculates the total cost (item + shipping) right in our popup window while browsing an Amazon product page. Just click the arrows next to the prices and uncover the best deal across Amazon EU sites in seconds!

How to find the best deal in just 3 simple steps:

  1. Open product pages from our extension’s search results across all available Amazon EU sites.
  2. Click the arrows next to the prices in the pop-up window of our extension.
  3. Compare total prices (item + shipping) across Amazon EU sites and spot the best deal instantly!

For more information about shipping costs to all EU countries, visit the “International Delivery Rates & Times” pages on

* Prices and shipping costs are subject to change and may vary depending on factors such as location, availability, and promotions. Please review your order summary carefully at checkout before submitting your purchase. We are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the information provided.

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